The Youth Leadership Initiative exists to identify and assist in the development of EMC youth who exhibit leadership potential or who express a call to ministry.
The EMC Youth Initiative will fulfill its mission in the following ways:
1. Youth Leadership Initiative -– To identify and help develop youth who exhibit leadership potential.
Provide special training or breakouts for participants at camps, retreats, and denominational events.
Connect participating youth for encouragement and accountability.
Invite youth to participate in decision-making for denominational youth priorities and for camps and other events.
Encourage youth to serve in their local church and in a denominational capacity.
2. Next Gen Pastors Initiative – To identify youth who express a call to vocational ministry and encourage them in the pursuit of that call.
Work with local pastors to confirm and foster the call to ministry.
Work to connect youth with Conference Superintendents for communication, encouragement, and information.
Network with the Haggard School of Ministry to provide training and/or enrollment in the Haggard School of Ministry.
Encourage students enrolled in a local community college to dual enroll in Haggard School of Ministry.
Work with approved Christian colleges to provide a presence at camps and denominational events and to also provide resources to prospective students.
The EMC Youth Leadership Initiative is open to any qualifying EMC youth.
Youth participating in the EMC Youth Initiative must be recommended by a pastor, youth pastor, youth leader, Conference Superintendent, or BYCM Member.
Youth must exhibit leadership potential.
All youth wishing to participate in any program of the Youth Leadership Initiative must complete an online application.